Enhanced Mindfulness
Enhanced Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be the key to enhancing every aspect of your wellness!

Learn mindfulness exercise/practices | Increase awareness and attention | Decrease judgments of self and others | Understand the value of acceptance


Mindfulness has become a popular topic in our current culture; however, the concept is often misconstrued or misunderstood. While mindfulness is often associated with meditation, the practice of being mindful (moment to moment awareness) can be incorporated into any aspect of our life and at anytime.

In our current times, our ease of access to an array of platforms for information and communication can cause us to live in a constant state of overstimulation and multi-tasking. The ability to increase our attention and awareness of self, others and experiences, decreases distractions and positively impacts every goal, routine and relationship we encounter.

The benefits of mindfulness are well documented and research has found that mindfulness can:

  • decrease stress
  • reduce anxiety
  • increase awareness
  • decrease judgment
  • increase attention and focus
  • benefit concentration
  • reduce insomnia

I often incorporate mindfulness into individual therapy, but I can also assist you with mindfulness through one-on-one consultation or talks/seminars for organizations and businesses. I can help you or your staff/colleagues understand how to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily life that match your lifestyle and help you reach your wellness goals. Whether in the area of mental wellness, nutrition/eating, spending, or physical health, mindfulness practices can be the tool you need to reach your goals and see better results. Please contact me at [email protected] or 240-242-5594 to schedule a free and brief consultation meeting to discuss your needs and learn more about these services.